About LineupBoard

LineupBoard is a web-based system that allows you to manage your Shift Planning Equipment process and workforce allocations on a per-shift basis, from any computer without limitations.

Your existing pre-shift planning processes are supported, with equipment allocations and labour availabilities able to be entered for future shifts. This allows your OCE or other team leader to quickly allocate the right labour to the right equipment.

LineupBoard supports all major browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and integrates easily with existing network security (Active Directory). There are no other dependencies for this system beyond your standard IT infrastructure.

How much can LineupBoard save you?
With Trucks
At $ Per Hr
Saving Mins
Our users tell us they get to work 3-10 mins quicker with LineupBoard
$ -
$ -

Key Features

Visual Cues

Highlights anomalies in workgroups such as unassigned tasks, missing worker competencies, equipment breakdowns and non-rostered workers.

Drag and Drop

Simply Drag and Drop available items from the right menu to complete a workgroup. Double click to return items back to menu.

Equipment Availability

Quickly see equipment configuration for tyres, trays and fleets to ensure correct assignment of workers and tasks.

Visual Cues

Available workers are shown in the menu for easy allocation to equipment. Ability to roster non-available workers from other crews if they are called in. Track unexpected absences by dragging missing workers to the bottom menu.

Competency Indicators

LineupBoard uses visual indications to show when a workers competency needs attention. See in the workgroup instantly when a worker has never had the required competency (Red), when a competency is about to expire (Yellow) and when a worker is training towards a competency (Blue).

Lineup also displays ERT and First Aid competency icons next to workers names and can have multiple indicators per worker.

Attendance Tracking

Allows supervisors to identify when workers are onsite and ready to work rather than just workers rostered on. Workers show up in lineupBoard with either a green tick to show they are logged in and ready to work, or a red cross to show they have not logged in and may cause delays if assigned to equipment.

Attendance Tracking can be integrated with an external provider or with stand alone system, Traken. Traken Login Terminals provides a simple card-based login system for quick attendance tracking.

Supporting Features

Performance Dashboard

Quickly see equipment configuration for tyres, trays and fleets to ensure correct assignment of workers and tasks.

Overtime Management

Manage overtime nominations and allocations within lineup to show clearly where and when a worker has a rostered shift. LineupBoard will assist in allocating overtime in such a way that fatigue rules are not breached.


Run reports to query the system. View on screen or export data to CSV/Excel. Current reports include: Weekly Plan Detail, Worker Allocation, Payroll Detail, Crew Snapshot and Take 5 Performance.

SMS Alert

Bulk SMS all workers or crews to notify them of any issues or to simply notify workers nominated or allocated for overtime of their overtime status.


DevFU offers integration with many different vendors to ensure that our clients can continue utilizing their existing infrastructure while using our products. See more about our integration services.

Increase your company’s efficiency, today!